Updated as per Entomo Satsphingia, Jahrgang 5 Heft 2 2012; May 21, 2014 |
Copaxa chimaltenangensis HT male, 80mm, Chimaltenango, Guatemala,
on my home computer only.
This site has been created by
Bill Oehlke at oehlkew@islandtelecom.com
Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill.
TAXONOMY:Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802 |
"What.A.Wonderful.World" |
This species belongs to the Cydippe Group.
Visit Copaxa cydippe Group Comparison Chart. I have very little information on the many recently (2012) species, described by Brechlin and Meister. Some of these recently described species may require DNA analysis to distinguish them from other, better known species.
Copaxa chimaltenangensis tends to be larger than C. cydippe, and chimaltenangensis has a corrugated forewing transverse line and an olive brown grown colour. Thus far this description is from a single male specimen.
Most of the Copaxa brood continuously so I suspect chimaltenangensis would be on the wing every month of the year. Confirmed reports are for a single specimen taken in June in Guatemala: Chimaltenango Department, near Tecpan.
Persea americana ....... |
Avocado |
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