Updated as per Entomo-Satsphingia Jahrgang 3 Heft 3 28.06.2010 (forewing length: 48-54mm, Costa Rica, Nicaragua); February 20, 2013 |
Copaxa rudloffi male, Kiri Lodge, Orosi, Cartago, Costa Rica,
4000 feet, May 6, 2008, courtesy/copyright
Leroy Simon.
This site has been created by
Bill Oehlke at oehlkew@islandtelecom.com
Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill.
TAXONOMY:Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802 |
"What.A.Wonderful.World" |
Males have both red forms and brown forms.
It is considerably smaller than Copaxa moinieri which has a male forewing length of 60-62mm, but the apex tends to be more produced in the smaller rudloffi.
Copaxa rudloffi also tends to show more contrast and more red than in the more evenly coloured, lighter brown moinieri.
Most of the Copaxa brood continuously so I suspect rudloffi would be on the wing every month of the year. Specimens have been taken in May and September.
This species is quite similar to C. moinieri (mfwl:60-62mm), but C. rudloffi is much smaller. There are both reddish and brown forms of Copaxa rudloffi.
Persea americana ....... |
Avocado |
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