Polythysan rubrescens
Updated as per Lemaire's Hemileucinae 2002, November 23, 2005
Updated as per personal communication with Hubert Mayer, 2005.
Polythysana rubrescens
(Blanchard, 1852)
Attacus rubrescens
Polythysana rubrescens male courtesy of Kirby Wolfe.
This site has been created by
Bill Oehlke at oehlkew@islandtelecom.com
Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill.
Superfamily: Bombycoidea Latreille, 1802
Family: Saturniidae Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Subfamily: Hemileucinae, Grote & Robinson, 1866
Tribe: Polythysanini, Michener, 1952
Genus: Polythysana, Walker, 1855
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"Moon River"
copyright C. Odenkirk
The Polythysana rubrescens moth
(forewing length: males: 33-44mm; females: 45-54mm) flies in
Chile (33-41 S latitude): Coquimbo, Santiago, Colchagua, Nuble, Concepcion,
Malleco, Cautin, Valdivia, Osorno, and
west central
Argentina: Neuquen,
Chubut, and probably Rio Negro.
It has been taken at altitudes from 300m to 750m.

Polythysana rubrescens, male, Curico, Chile,
March 19, 2005, courtesy of Hubert Mayer.
Many thanks to Fernando Calvo for pointing out the labelling/identification error in specimen above (changed from cinerascens [incorrect] to rubrescens [correct]).
Polythysana rubrescens caterpillar shows a preference
for the evergreens: Mayten (Maytenus boaria) and
Cryptocarya Rubra (Cryptocarya rubra).
Lemaire reports
Kageneckia oblonga and Aristotelia chilensis.
Moths are on the wing during the months of February-March and
possibly as a second brood in November-December.
Adults eclose from simple, pear-shaped, open
mesh cocoons.
Polythysana rubrescens
females emit an airbourne pheromone and males use their highly
developed antennae to track the scent plume during the day to locate
the calling females.
Mature larvae spin a simple, pear-shaped, open mesh cocoon. This
species is regarded as a pest on farmed Monterrey Pine. Look
carefully at the image below to see the extremely well camouflaged

Polythysana rubrescens larva courtesy of Kirby Wolfe.
Larval Food Plants
Listed below are primary food plant(s) and alternate food plants
listed in Stephen E. Stone's Foodplants of World Saturniidae
and/or on various internet sites. It is hoped that this
alphabetical listing followed by the common name of the foodplant
will prove useful. The list is not exhaustive. Experimenting
with closely related foodplants is worthwhile.
Aristotelia chilensis Cryptocarya rubra ........
Kageneckia oblonga Maytenus boaria
Maqui Cryptocarya Rubra Kageneckia oblonga Mayten
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The pronunciation of scientific names is
troublesome for many. The "suggestion" at the top of the page is
merely a suggestion. It is based on commonly
accepted English pronunciation of Greek names and/or some
fairly well accepted "rules" for latinized scientific names.
The suggested pronunciations, on this page and on other pages,
are primarily put forward to assist those who hear with internal
ears as they read.
There are many collectors from different countries whose
intonations and accents would be different.
Some of the early describers/namers chose genus
and species names indicating some character of the insect, but more
often, they simply chose names from Greek or Roman mythology or
history.Those species names which end in "ensis" indicate a
specimen locale, and those which end in "i", pronounced "eye", honour
a contempory friend/collector/etc.
I do not know the source of the genus
name "Polythysana" chosen by Walker in 1855.
The species name "rubrescens" refers to the red on the hindwings.
This page is designed and maintained by Bill Oehlke as
part of the World's Largest Saturniidae Site.