Saturnia pavonia josephinae
Updated as per personal communication with Tony Pittaway (images of males); March 3, 2018.
Updated as per personal communication with Yo Greko (image of female and images of larvae); March 3, 2018.
Updated as per personal communication with Carlos Antonietty (images of larva; and indication of foodplant); March 3, March 12, 2018.
Updated as per personal communication with Wikimedia (Creative Commons image of Halimium halimifolium); March 3, 2018.
Saturnia pavonia josephinae
Saturnia josephinae
Eudia pavonia josephinae

Saturnia josephinae male, courtesy of Tony Pittaway.

Saturnia josephinae male, courtesy of Tony Pittaway.
Most of the information on this page is courtesy of
Tony Pittaway.
| TAXONOMY:Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802
Family: Saturniidae, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Subfamily: Saturniinae, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Tribe: Saturniini, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Genus: Saturnia, Schrank, 1802
Saturnia pavonia josephinae
(wingspan: males: 40-65mm; females 48-90mm), flies in southern Spain, showing a preference
for pine-barrens along coasts. Type locality: Chiclana, Andalucia, southern Spain. Possibly this subspecies also flies in northern Africa.
Attempts to breed this moth with nominate Saturnia pavonia have yielded hybrid adults that are not sexually viable (TP), so this moth is now given its
own species status as Saturnia josephinae.
The females are much larger than the males, and in this species moths are paler than subspecies pavonia, with the males
lacking almost all brown and orange pigmentation so that they appear whitish-grey. The females are more like those of subsp. pavonia.

Saturnia josephinae male, courtesy of Tony Pittaway.
When spring is early, pavonia josephinae will be on the wing from late March to late April.
Males are diurnal and females are nocturnal.
Larvae show a preference for species of shrubby rock-rose (Cistus).
Females emerge in the morning and extend a scent gland from the base of the abdomen to "call"
in the more colorful males. Females continue scenting until near noon or until mating.
breeders are able to locate females by following the day-flying males to the source of
Females remain coupled with males until nightfall when they seperate, begin flight, and deposit their eggs.

Saturnia josephinae female, courtesy of Yo Greko.
Grayish with olive-brown gum, medium-sized (1.4 x 2.2mm) eggs are deposited in neat clusters on the undersides of
foodplant leaves (more often affixed to twigs). Incubation lasts 10-14 days.
When the black, spiny larvae (2-3 mm) first emerge, they devour a portion of their
eggshells before clustering. There is an orange line down each side.
As the larvae progress they begin to live more individual lives and change colour from
black to yellow.Tufts of black spines emanate from raised protuberances on the body. In the final instar (67-88 mm) larvae are predominantly
green but there can be varying degrees of black pigmentation with some larvae being almost completely black.

Saturnia josephinae eggs on Halimium halimifolium
Almonte, Huelva Province, Spain, January 20, 2018, courtesy of Carlos Antonetty.

Saturnia josephinae eggs and hatchlings on Halimium halimifolium
Almonte, Huelva Province, Spain, February 19, 2014, courtesy of Carlos Antonetty.

Saturnia josephinae final instar on Halimium halimifolium
Palomares de Rio, Spain, courtesy of Yo Greko.

Saturnia josephinae final instar on Halimium halimifolium
Palomares de Rio, Spain, courtesy of Yo Greko.

Saturnia josephinae fifth instar on Halimium halimifolium
Almonte, Huelva Province, Spain, April 4, 2011, courtesy of Carlos Antonetty.

Saturnia josephinae fifth instar on Halimium halimifolium
Almonte, Huelva Province, Spain, April 17, 2017, courtesy of Carlos Antonetty.

Saturnia josephinae fifth instar on Halimium halimifolium
Almonte, Huelva Province, Spain, April 4, 2011, courtesy of Carlos Antonetty.
Carlos Antonetty has had success rearing this species on Halimium halimifolium; German common name: Gelbe Zistrose. The plant is also known as rock rose.

Halimium halimifolium by Pancrat,
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0;
Sturdy, coarse, thin-walled, pear-shaped, double, unsealed brown valved cocoons are spun up among tree leaves. Pupae (20-25 mm)sometimes remain in
diapause through two winters. The pupae are dark brown to black, noticeably dorso-ventrally flattened, and 'comma'-shaped.
Generally speaking, this is an easy moth to rear provided overcrowding is avoided.
Tachinidae: Compsilura concinnata, Exorista grandis, Masicera pavoniae, Phryxe nemea, Phryxe
vulgaris, Rhacodinella apicata; Trichogrammatidae: Trichogramma teleng.
It is hoped that this alphabetical listing followed by the common name of the foodplant will prove useful. The list is not exhaustive. Experimenting with
closely related foodplants is worthwhile.
Larval Food Plants
Arbutus unedo
Calluna vulgaris
Halimium halimifolium
Hippophae rhamnoides
Lythrum salicaria
Myrica gale
Pistacia terebinthus
Prunus domestica
Prunus serotina
Prunus spinosa
Prunus virginiana
Pyrus communis
Pyrus malus
Rubus idaeus
Salix babylonica
Schinus terebinthifolius......
Spiraea alba
Vaccinium myrtillus
Alder Strawberry madrone Birch Scottish heathers Shrubby rock-rose Dogwood Hawthorn
Heath beech Strawberry Ash Rock Rose Sallow thorn Hops Walnut Loosestrife
Sweetgale Cyprus/Terpentine Cinquefoil Garden plum Wild black cherry Blackthorn
Choke cherry Pear Apple Oak Rose Wild red raspberry Sorrel
weeping willow Elderberry Brazil peppertree Mountain ash Meadow spiraea Elm
Thinleaf huckleberry
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