Updated as per http://www.pybio.org/SPHINGINAE.htm (Paraguay), November 2007 Updated as per CATE (Guyana: Bartica; Brazil: Para); February 12, 2011 Updated as per Heteroceres de Guyane Francaise (Kaw, February); February, 2011 Updated as per Bold Systems (French Guiana, Suriname, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia); February 2011 Updated as per personal communication by Andres Urbas (Camp Caiman near Kaw, French Guiana, April 29, 2011); May 6, 2011 Updated as per personal communication with Jose Ramon Alvarez Corral (Bolivar, Venezuela); May 27, 2012; ongoing Updated as per personal communication with Sergio D. Ríos Díaz in CATÁLOGO DE LOS SPHINGIDAE (INSECTA: LEPIDOPTERA) DEPOSITADOS EN EL MUSEO NACIONAL DE HISTORIA NATURAL DEL PARAGUAY; sent to me in July 2014 by Sergio D. Ríos Díaz. |
This site has been created by
Bill Oehlke at oehlkew@islandtelecom.com
Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill.
Family: Sphingidae, Latreille, 1802 |
MIDI MUSICcopyright C. Odenkirk ON.OFF |
Gabriela Bentancur indicates a misidentification resulted in name lucetius on postage stamp. She indicates this species does not fly in Uruguay. Quite likely it is limnited to the more northerly South American countries, being replaced by M. contracta in the south (SRD).
Manduca lucetius, Camp Caiman, near Kaw, French Guiana,
April 29, 2011, courtesy of Andres Urbas.
The forewing is somewhat variable in shape. In some specimens it is more elongate than in others. The slaty greyish-black downy patches in the forewing median area are very pronounced, and form, together with a patch in the discal cell, a large semicircle filled with dark grey to black scaling. The basal area, lower third of the median area and the postmedian areas are largely either russet or a much lighter grey. The white dots of the fringe sometimes encroach on the wing, being slightly enlarged toward the body, though they may be very small or absent.
In Bolivia there is a record from Yocumo [Yacuma] (350-850m).
In Uruguay the following hosts are given: grapevine (parra); Pope, tobacco, tomato, etc.
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