Constitution: By-Laws
By-Laws for Prince Edward Island Retired Teachers’ Association Inc. (PEIRTA)
Revised November 5, 2009
1. NAME:
The name of the organization shall be Prince Edward Island Retired Teachers’ Association.
The objectives of the Association shall be:
a) to maintain and increase professional and social contacts,
b) to keep informed of developments in education,
c) to meet with government and negotiate better terms for retired teachers,
d) to meet with outside organizations/merchants to obtain social/financial benefits for retired teachers,
e) to maintain a liaison with the PEI Teachers’ Federation,
f) To furnish recommendations and advice to the Provincial Executive and other committees of the PEITF on matters
affecting the welfare of retired teachers.
Any teacher who
a) was a member of the PEITF at the time of his/her retirement
b) is in receipt of a pension pursuant to the PEI Teachers’ superannuation Act, or
c) was eligible for such pension on his/her retirement shall be eligible for active membership.
d) PEITF retired professional staff in receipt of a pension pursuant to the PEI Teachers’ superannuation Act shall
be eligible for active membership in this Association.
a) A retired teacher shall be eligible for affiliate membership in the Association if he/she is in receipt of a teacher’s pension from outside PEI.
b) A retired teacher’s spouse receiving pension pursuant to the PEI Teachers’ Superannuation Act shall be eligible for affiliate membership in the PEIRTA.
c) A retired teacher who held a valid PEI teaching contract at any time during his/her career shall be eligible for affiliate membership in the PEIRTA
The rights, privileges and responsibilities shall be extended as follows:
a) To active members the full rights, privileges and responsibilities of membership,
b) To be an executive member, a retired teacher must be an active member in good standing of PEIRTA,
c) All PEIRTA members will automatically be members of ACER-CART, the national retired teachers’ organization,
d) To affiliate members the full rights, privileges and responsibilities of membership except the right to hold office
in the PEIRTA.
5. Dues
a) Membership dues shall be established by resolution at the Annual meeting of the Association
b) Affiliate members shall pay the same dues as active members
The membership year shall be from January 1 to December 31 of any given year.
a) The executive committee of this Association shall be: President, Vice President, immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer and one representative from each county.
b) The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the executive committee shall be elected for a term of two years at the annual meeting of the Association and may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms.
c) In an election year, the county representatives shall be elected for a two-year term at the county socials, and may serve a maximum of two terms.
d) The incoming executive committee will assume office January 1 of the calendar year following the election.
e) The signing authority for the PEIRTA shall be any two (2) of the president, vice-president, secretary or treasurer.
a) Whenever a vacancy occurs in the Executive Committee through any cause,
the executive committee shall name a member to fill the vacancy until the
next annual meeting.
b) The Executive Committee shall appoint from time to time such committees
as may be necessary to carry on the work of the Association.
a) The annual meeting shall be held within the first seven days of November each year or at such other time as determined by the executive.
b) The executive members – President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer will be elected every second year at the AGM.
c) The county representatives will be elected every second year at the county socials, and will be sworn in to office at the AGM.
d) Between the AGM and January 1 of an election year, a transition meeting of the past executive and the in-coming executive shall be held.
a) Minutes of PEIRTA meetings will be forwarded to PEITF.
b) The PEIRTA shall submit a financial statement annually to the Provincial Executive of PEITF.
c) PEITF may select a member to attend executive, special or annual meetings of the Association.
After a one-month notice of motion to amend the Constitution has been given to each
Member, the Constitution may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the members present at any
regular session of the Annual meeting of the Association.
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