Jurgen Vanhoudt
Jurgen Vanhoudt of Belgium sends this beautiful image of an Adetomeris erythrops larva from Chile.
Images I have seen of adults reveal this species as quite variable, or perhaps there are an additional number of cryptic
species often lumped as erythrops.

erythrops larva, Chile, reared on Rubus fruticosus,
courtesy of
Jurgen Vanhoudt.
Jurgen does much rearing and has sent many new foodplants which are being added to the data base along with his images of larvae and adults.
His main interests are Saturniidae, Brahmaeidae and Lasiocampidae. You can follow his broods on his blog at

Cricula trifenestrata larva on Rhododendron, Thailand,
courtesy of Jurgen Vanhoudt.
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