Lorenzo Comoglio
Lorenzo Comoglio
Last update: March 28th, 2013
Lorenzo Comoglio (born March 4th, 1993), WLSS member since December 2009, is an Italian student of computer engineering at the Politecnico di Torino. He
lives near Turin, Piedmont, in the North-Western of Italy. He has got a great passion for Saturniidae, and he started breeding moths in 2009. Since 2010, he
mantains a website, a reference for the Italian moth breeders:
Saturnidi.it "Il sito italiano sui Saturniidae". It's a blog with all his experience and reports of the rearings he
made in the past few years. In February-March 2013 he travelled to Guanacaste, Costa Rica, for a month of night-trapping. He has loads of contacts from all over the
world and he's particularly interested in African emperor moths and Hemileucinae from Central and South America. He can exchange most livestock of Saturniidae,
especially Italian Saturniids. If you wish to contact him, he'll kindly answer you by email: lorenzo@saturnidi.it.
You can write him in English, Spanish, Italian or French. He encourages you to contact him if you do night-trapping in tropical countries and if you have pictures
or livestock of Saturniids to share.

Night-trapping in Costa Rica, Lorenzo Comoglio is the guy to the left.
February 2013, Santa Cecilia, Sector Pitilla (400-800 m), La Cruz, Guanacaste, Costa Rica.
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