Leroy Simon, 2011

Leroy has won many awards for his exceptional photography of lepidoptera, both butterflies and moths.

He does have email: Leroy Simon, and can be reached by phone: 352-245-8351

or by post: Leroy Simon, 5975 SE 122 Place, Bellview, Florida 34420-4396

Cerodirphia candida male, Pichincha, Ecuador, courtesy/copyright Leroy Simon.

Over the years, Leroy Simon of Florida has sent me (Bill Oehlke) many outstanding slides and electronic images of his nature photography. His many images are a significant part of both the Caterpillars Too! website (a North American butterfly website with special emphasis on caterpillars) and the World's Largest Saturniidae Site.

Leroy does not limit his photograpy to lepidoptera. He has also sent many images of birds and other wildlife. He also does some travelling and sent me a cd of the butterflies he encountered in Ecuador.

Leroy welcomes correspondence with regard to photography and lepidoptera.

Email: Leroy Simon.

Leroy has larger images at higher resolution available.

Mr. Simon writes, "I have made up a DVD of most of the moths I have reared. It has 362 jpg images on it. Several are from old slides some taken 25 years ago. Each is labeled by name. I offer this DVD to all interested in Saturniidae for $12 US, postage included. Leroy Simon retains copyrights to images, but permission is given for use to promote sale or exchange of specimens or livestock."

The images on this DVD are truly beautiful (Bill Oehlke).

Leroy's DVD is still available as of this posting, January 15, 2011.

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