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2007 Larvae Photography Contest | ![]() |
Members are encouraged to submit images in any number of different forms: slides, negatives, prints, electronic (cds or jpg email attachments).
All images remain the property of the photographer.
In addition to the images listed
below, January 2006 - December 2006, there are hundreds of
images available in the
February 2001 - December 2001 archives.
January 2002 - December 2002 archives.
January 2003 - December 2003 archives.
January 2004 - December 2004 archives.
January 2005 - December 2005 archives.
January 2006 - December 2006 archives.
At the bottom of this page are links to complete alphabetical archives 2001-2006.
I have my own scanner for regular pictures and can also do negatives and slides. It is probably easiest for you to send images to me in jpg format as email attachments.
Any slides, negatives or pictures sent will be scanned; the originals will be returned, and I will also transmit electronic copies to you as email attachments or on floppy diskettes. Please advise me, though, before sending any images. This is a free service, but I cannot allow myself to get bogged down with excessive scanning
Many members have sent cds of entire collections and that has been most helpful in expanding the data base.
For 2007 there are three contests:
1) Twenty-five dollar livestock or supplies* prize for
the best (my judgment) set of Saturniidae life
history photos of a species not currently depicted in full life cycle
on the site:
Set should include adult, cocoon, eggs and at least three different
instars, including the final instar.
2) Twenty-five dollar livestock or supplies* prize for the best individual image (member's vote) of a Saturniidae adult.
3) Twenty-five dollar livestock or supplies* prize for the best individual image (member's vote) of a Saturniidae larva.
Supplies* means any of the prizes (books, sleeves, cds, prints, memberships) so designated for the competition.
Individual ImagesRothschildia aurota aurota male, Napo, Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Hemileuca eglanterina shastaensis male, Skamania County, Washington, courtesy/copyright of John Davis. Coloradia pandora male and female, Washington, courtesy/copyright of John Davis. Actias luna spring male, courtesy/copyright of Jonathon Tubbs. Rhodinia tensingyatsoi male, China, courtesy/copyright of Alan Marson. Arsenura cymonia male, Cosanga, Napo, Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Dirphia subhorca female, Lita, Esmeraldas, Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Leucanella flammans female, Lita, Esmeraldas, Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Usta terpsichore grantae, Serengeti, Tanzania, courtesy/copyright of David Bygott. Hemileuca lucina, male head, New Hampshire, courtesy/copyright of Bonnie J. Caruthers. Syssphinx hubbardi, Arizona, courtesy/copyright of Adam Fleishman. Rothschildia zacateca male, Peru, courtesy/copyright of Bernhard Wenczel. Saturnia (Rinaca) thibeta arctica male, China, courtesy/copyright of Martin Jagelka. Leucanella contempta windi male, Guatemala, courtesy/copyright of Nicoline van Kappel. Titaea tamerlan nobilis male, Duran, Esmeraldas, Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Eacles penelope female, Duran, Esmeraldas, Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Copiopteryx semiramis andensis male, Duran, Esmeraldas, Ec., courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Paradaemonia platydesmia male, Duran, Esmeraldas, Ec., courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Automeris phrynon female, Lita, Esmeraldas, Ec., courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Leucanella flammans male, Lita, Esmeraldas, Ec., courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Rachesa breteuli male, Lita, Esmeraldas, Ec., courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Dirphiopsis epiolina female and larva, courtesy/copyright of Viktor Suter. Rothschildia zacateca male and female, courtesy/copyright of Viktor Suter. Eacles imperialis opaca male, female and larva, Argentina, courtesy/copyright of Oz Rittner. Dryocampa rubicunda male, female and larva, courtesy/copyright of Viktor Suter. Antheraea larissa ridlyi male, peninsular Malaysia, courtesy/copyright Preston Murphy. Lemaireia loepoides, peninsular Malaysia, courtesy/copyright Preston Murphy. Loepa sikkima javanica male, peninsular Malaysia, courtesy/copyright Preston Murphy. Actias maenas diana male, peninsular Malaysia, courtesy/copyright Preston Murphy. Archaeoattacus edwardsi, peninsular Malaysia, courtesy/copyright Preston Murphy. Copaxa orientalis males, Papallacta, Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Erythromeris obscurior, Papallacta, Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Leucanella lynx female, Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach.
Epiphora mythimnia male, female, fifth instars, Kenya, Gonimbrasia zambesina male, courtesy/copyright of Dr. Anatolij Kulak. Gynanisa maja terrali male and female, Kenya, courtesy/copyright of Dr. Anatolij Kulak. Pseudobunaea irius males, courtesy/copyright of Dr. Anatolij Kulak. Saturnia pavonia males and female, Belarus, courtesy/copyright of Dr. Anatolij Kulak. Actias luna male, courtesy/copyright of Dr. Anatolij Kulak. Rothschildia lebeau inca female and larva, courtesy/copyright of Steve Ife. Automeris io female, courtesy/copyright of Dr. Anatolij Kulak. Epiphora bauhiniae male, Tanzania, courtesy/copyright of Dr. Anatolij Kulak. Saturnia (Rinaca) simla male, China, courtesy/copyright of Dr. Anatolij Kulak. Saturnia (Rinaca) anna female, courtesy/copyright of Martin Jagelka. Actias dubernardi male and female, China, courtesy/copyright of Dr. Anatolij Kulak. Actias luna female, spring form, courtesy/copyright of Dr. Anatolij Kulak. Brahmaea hearseyi male, China, courtesy/copyright of Dr. Anatolij Kulak. Graellsia isabelae ceballosi, courtesy of Yeray Monasterio Leon. Automeris naranja, male, female and larva, Misiones, Argentina, courtesy of Reinhard Foerster. Antheraea frithi javanensis female, Yunnan, China, courtesy of Victor Siniaev. Actias chapae male and female, China, courtesy of Victor Siniaev. Hyalophora kasloensis female, Spokane, Washington, courtesy of Scott Smith. Citheronia regalis courtesy of Uwe Kauz. Actias maenas diana female, Java, Indonesia, courtesy of Martin Jagelka. Saturnia pyri male and larva, courtesy of Michal Pikner. Rothschildia lebeau forbesi adult and larva, courtesy of Michal Pikner. Rothschildia lebeau inca adult, courtesy of Michal Pikner. Gynanisa maja adult, courtesy of Michal Pikner. Gonimbrasia krucki male, female and fifth instar, Nairobi, Kenya, reared on Malosma laurinus, courtesy of Kirby Wolfe. Rothschildia hopfferi male and fifth instar, southern Brazil, reared on cherry, courtesy of Kirby Wolfe. Graellsia isabellae female and larva, Spain, reared on pine., courtesy of Kirby Wolfe. Epiphora mythimnia, male, South Africa, reared on Ceanothus sp.., courtesy of Kirby Wolfe. Automeris io male and female, courtesy/copyright of Dr. Anatolij Kulak. Gonimbrasia krucki male, courtesy/copyright Chris Conlan. Cricula jordani female, Chiang Mai, northern Thailand, courtesy Alan Marson. Copaxa satellita males, female and all instars, western Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Copaxa multifenestrata female, eastern Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Automeris phrynon female, Esmeraldas, Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Antherina suraka female, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Argema mimosae male, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Argema lorquinii female, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Automerina (Automerula) auletes female, La Bonita, Sucumbios, Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Citheronia bellavista cinerea female, Muchin, Esmeraldas, Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Citheronioides collaris male, Los Bancos, Pichincha, Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Citheronia equatorialis female, Los Bancos, Pichincha, Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Cricula jordani male, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Gynanisa maja female, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Hyalophora cecropia female and 4 and 5 instar larvae, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Hyalophora euryalus male, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Syssphinx bidens female, Lita, Esmeraldas, Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Syssphinx molina female and larva, Lita, Esmeraldas, Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Copaxa andensis female and larvae, Cosanga, Napo, Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Dirphia avia female, Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Automeris andicola, male, female, and first instars, Jama, Manabi, Ecuador, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Antheraea polyphemus, female, courtesy/copyright of Horst Kach. Rothschildia hesperus male and cocoon, Ecuador, courtesy of Alan Marson. Rothschildia aurota female and cocoon, Peru, courtesy of Alan Marson. Ceranchia apollina male, Madagascar, courtesy of Robert Vuattoux. Saturnia (Rinaca) anna male, courtesy of Martin Jagelka. Paradirphia geneforti male and female, Tumbaco, Pichincha, Ecuador, courtesy of Uwe Kauz. Cirina forda female, Rungwe Mountains, southwestern Tanzania, courtesy of Uwe Kauz. Automeris oberthurii male, Salta Province, Argentina, courtesy of Ulf Drechsel. Copaxa multifenestrata male, Ecuador, courtesy of Steve Ife. Titaea tamerlan amazonensis female and instars 3-5, Ecuador, courtesy of Steve Ife. Eacles imperialis cacicus female and instars 3-5, Ecuador, courtesy of Steve Ife. Saturnia sinjaevi male and female, Guangdong, China, courtesy of Steve Kohll. Automeris liberia female, Misahualli, Napo, Ecuador, courtesy of Horst Kach. Rothschildia orizaba equatorialis male and female, Lita, Esmeraldas, Ecuador, courtesy of Horst Kach. Caligula japonica male, e.p., courtesy of Horst Kach. Syssphinx montana male, e.p., courtesy of Horst Kach. Dirphia subhorca male, Durango, Esmeraldas, Ecuador, courtesy of Horst Kach. Leucanella contempta male, female and fourth instar, Puerto Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador, courtesy of Horst Kach. Dirphia panamensis fassli female, Misahualli, Napo, Ecuador, courtesy of Steve Ife.
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