i>Actias luna fifth instar larva, courtesy/copyright of Salvador Soares, copyright
To my amazement, Leroy sent me many packs of slides which I scanned and posted to numerous sites. I returned Leroy's slides along with a set of electronic images on approximately twenty-five diskettes.
Not only have I received Saturniidae slides from Leroy, but he also sent me two-three hundred North American butterfly slides of adults, larvae, eggs and pupae.
Each time one of the fresh scans came up on my monitor, I was amazed!
Members are encouraged to submit images in any number of different forms: slides, negatives, prints, electronic (cds or jpg email attachments).
All images remain the property of the photographer.
I have my own scanner for regular pictures and can also do negatives and slides. It is probably easiest for you to send images to me in jpg format as email attachments.
Any slides, negatives or pictures sent will be scanned; the originals will be returned, and I will also transmit electronic copies to you as email attachments or on floppy diskettes. Please advise me, though, before sending any images. This is a free service, but I cannot allow myself to get bogged down with excessive scanning
Many members have sent cds of entire collections and that has been most helpful in expanding the data base.
For 2006 there are three photography contests:
1) Twenty-five dollar livestock or supplies* prize for
the best (my judgment) set of Saturniidae life
history photos of a species not currently depicted in full life cycle
on the site:
Set should include adult, cocoon, eggs and at least three different
instars, including the final instar.
2) Twenty-five dollar livestock or supplies* prize for the best individual image (member's vote) of a Saturniidae larva.
3) Twenty-five dollar livestock or supplies* prize for the best individual image (member's vote) of a Saturniidae adult.
Supplies* means any of the prizes (books, sleeves, cds, prints, memberships) so designated for the competition.
Individual ImagesEacles imperialis subspecies on white ash, Argentina, courtesy of Oz Rittner.
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