Paul Smith

Paul Smith

Copiopteryx sonthonnaxi, San Rafael, Itapua, Paraguay,
February 2007, courtesy/copyright Paul Smith.

Paul Smith has given me permission to use his beautiful photos of Saturniidae from southern Paraguay.

On September 25, 2007, Paul writes, "PROCOSARA is located on the southern tip of San Rafael National Park in Departamento Itapua - we are actually in the process of setting up a permanent research station there as its one of the most biodiverse areas in the country.

"We'd be more than happy to help you with your department lists for Paraguay, too, as we are constantly active in the field. Inventory work comes pretty high on our agenda, and we are publishing all the results through FAUNA Paraguay - which now contains images of over 1000 species of Paraguayan fauna in just 6 short months, and we've hardly even scratched the surface of the invertebrates yet.

"For Sphingidae ID we are Ok, but for other moth groups we really need help (again a lack of literature doesn't help!), and the other moth families on the website are a bit chaotic at the moment with photos in the wrong family etc etc. If someone can help us sort that out it would be great.

"Certainly we've made great strides with our butterfly inventories (which began in March) since we managed to get access to reliable literature!

"If you could please include a link to the FAUNA Paraguay page and name of the photographer with each image utilized, we would be extremely grateful.

"I'm more than happy for my email address to go on there, too, if people would like to contact us.

ECOSARA, PN San Rafael
Departamento Itapúa

"PS - We add information and photos daily to the FAUNA Paraguay page so please keep checking for new material and do feel free to use any additional Saturniidae images that you wish to. If you like I can email you when we have new Saturniidae material, but I'm aware that this may become a nuisance if I am bombarding you with photos of common species! Either way is fine by me, just let me know!"

If any of you have expertise with identifications of Geometridae and/or Arctiidae, please contact Paul Smith. Thankyou,

Bill Oehlke

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