Thierry Bouyer

Thierry Bouyer

Thierry Bouyer of Belgium has a keen interest in Saturniidae and Brahmaeidae, especially African species. His Catalogue of African Saturniidae, 1999, has been a great help to me.

I have used Thierry's Catalogue of African Saturniidae, 1999 extensively in the creation of the generic lists of African Saturniidae. There are still many species depicted in the catalogue that are not shown on the WLSS.

available at Pemberley Books or Insecta Goecke & Evers

also visit the site of “Société d’Entomologie africaine”

Thierry has an online update for the Catalogue. It is an update / errata. Visit

Thierry has, over the years, greatly assisted the development of coverage of African Saturniidae by sending images from his collection, by identifying images which I have sent him for determinations, and by correcting mistakes in older literature. His expertise has been invaluable (see also publication list at Publications).

Recently, May 2006, Thierry has sent extensive checklists for Gabon, RD Congo and Malawi. These checklists have also helped me expand the listings for Zambia and PR Congo.

I hope those of you with collections including African Saturniidae will provide Thierry with some feedback regarding any species which you feel should be added to his lists or deleted from same.

Also if you have anything which seems unusual, please advise Thierry. You can reach him at Thierry Bouyer

If you want to receive list of specimens for exchange or sale (sometimes only, depending arrivals), for determination, collaboration, etc. please write with full name and address at Thierry Bouyer

Also email if you want to propose material for sale or exchange in the following African groups Saturniidae, Brahmaeidae, Eupterotidae, Bombycidae and Cerambycidae Plectogasterini and Prionid.

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