Viktor Sinyaev

Actias chapae male, China, courtesy/copyright Viktor Sinyaev.

Actias chapae female, China, courtesy/copyright Viktor Sinyaev.

Victor makes many entomological trips over the world.

Viktor, an entomological ranger from Russia, could travel to any region for collecting and photographing silk-moths in reward of your investment for the trip and purchase of specimens.

Sinyaev, Victor
2-nd Yuzhnoportovyi proezd, 15-174
Moscow, RUSSIA, 115432
Email: Victor Sinyaev
Studio Phone: 007-495-958 96 44
Privat Phone: 007-495-958 86 68
Handy Phone: 007-916-621 74 17

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Actias rhodopneuma, Vietnam, courtesy of Victor Sinyaev of Russia

Victor Sinyaev in Burma.

Victor in Celebes.

Victor Sinyaev, 2008