OxyteninaeSometimes the Oxyteninae are treated as Oxytenidae, a family distinct from Saturniidae; sometimes they are treated as Oxyteninae, a subfamily of Saturniidae.
Asthenidia geometraria, Guyana, June 27, 1927, |
Asthenidia geometraria |
Oxytenis erosa |
Oxytenis ferruginea |
Copiopteryx semiramis steindachneri courtesy of
Thibaud Decaens.
An "en" indicates the species is thought to be endemic to Guyana.
If you have corrections or additions, or especially images of larvae and/or adults not currently depicted, please forward them to oehlkew@islandtelecom.com
Rothschildia jacobaeae, male courtesy of Leroy Simon.
Rothschildia e. erycina * |
R. hesperus hesperus * |
R. aurota aurota * |
Copaxa marona male, French Guiana, Those species and subspecies followed by a "*" are listed by Lemaire in his Attacinae, 1978.
Those species and subspecies followed by a "*" are listed by Lemaire in his Ceratocampinae, 1987.
Listings have come from many different websites and have been confirmed with/upgraded via accounts in Lemaire's great works. Those with question marks or F, S, V have been found in surrounding countries and I expect they will eventually be confirmed for Guyana.
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