Periphoba of Mexico and Central America

In Lemaire's Hemileucinae 2002 thirteen Periphoba species were recognized, having different, more limited ranges within the greater genus boundaries from Mexico to southeastern Brazil.

In 2006 C. Mielke and E. Furtado described four new species from north eastern Brazil.

In 2010 Brechlin & Meister described six new species and removed Periphoba rosacea from synonymity with P. arcaei.

Many species are extremely similar in appearance, and possibly DNA barcoding may be needed to do accurate id work, even when specimens are in hand. None-the-less, I am creating this chart and the other charts, linked from the bottom of this page, to try to help myself and others do id work when all that is available is a digital photo.

At least two species are very distinct: P. albata (white ground colour, no lines) and P. unicolor (yellow ground colour, no lines).

Two additional species may not be too difficult to sort out: P. rosaceae (quite pink; removed from synonymity with arcaei; Oaxaca and Chiapas) and P. hidalgensis: (forewings showing strong contrast in patterns/colours; Hidalgo and possibly Guerrero.

It will be very difficult, I feel, to conclusively sort of P. arcaei and the recently described P. rudloffi; Costa Rica to Colombia. Rudloffi has a brighter overall appearance and a darker, thicker hindwing median band.

Periphoba from Mexico and Central America

Periphoba albata male

female is unknown

Periphoba albata female

Mex.: Chiapas?
Honduras, Guatemala?
Ground colour is white with a strong presence of black in the marginal areas of all wings
weak, diffuse cell mark on hindwing; none on forewing

Periphoba unicolor male
65-72mm; Mexico: Veracruz; Tabasco

Periphoba unicolor female
70-90mm; Mexico: Veracruz; Tabasco

Male: bright orange yellow; F: pale yellow
without dark lines on any wings in either gender;
male has small, dark, suboval forewing cell mark

Periphoba rosacea male
Mexico: Oaxaca; Chiapas

Periphoba rosacea female
Mexico: Oaxaca; Chiapas

M: pale pink; very thin dark lines; very weak markings, formerly treated as subspecies of arcaei/hircia, then equated with arcaei.

Periphoba hidalgensis male

Periphoba hidalgensis female

Periphoba arcaei male

Periphoba arcaei female

Panama, Mexico to Panama
Am line emanates almost perpendicular to costa, pointing toward anal angle before turning toward inner margin

Periphoba arcaei/rudloffi male

Periphoba arcaei/rudloffi female

Panama, Mexico to Panama
Some specimens from Costa Rica seem intermediate between arcaei and rudloffi

Periphoba rudloffi HT male
Costa Rica

Periphoba rudloffi PT male

lighter and brighter brown than arcaei;
From costa, am line runs subparallel to inner margin before turning obliquely toward inner margin

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