Image courtesy of Steve Huffman.
Steve writes:
"Here's a shot I took with special lighting I would like to submit to the photo contest this year.
"Moth is a Gloveri (Male) X Cecropia (female) Hybrid that emerged on 5/2/05 and had extra striking coloration and big eyespots.
"Well, the mating of the Hybrid Gloveri X Cecropia X Cecropia Male to the Gloveri female was successful and she is now laying eggs. If I can hatch and raise these, next year I will have a third generation hybrid. My Dad thinks they may end up looking like the original hybrid, like the photo I'm submitting now. Just have to see what happens. Some may emerge this fall.
"I have a Gloveri (M) and Euryalis (F) that should pair up tonight."
Thank you,
Steve Huffman
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