Vernon E. Evans

Joined the Utah Lepidopterists' Society in 2002.
Specializes in butterfly and moth mounting techniques--fastest in the
Collects moths and butterflies from around the world.
Became interested in life histories of moths and first collected
caterpillars in 2002.
Prepares lepidoptera for the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum at
Brigham Young University.
Started a lepidoptera collection at the Hutchings Museum in Lehi,
Assistant Lepidoptera Curator for the Maye Tropical Museum in
Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Providing extensive volunteer mounting for the Kenneth B. Tidwell
Collection at BYU.
Serving as ULS Meeting Coordinator for 2005.
Visit Vernon's website at
Vernon E. Evans.
Vernon has sent me very nice images, some for me (William Oehlke)
to id and some that he or Dr. Richard E. Howard have identified for
inclusion on WLSS.
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