This site has been created by Bill Oehlke.
Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill.
TAXONOMY:Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802 |
Columbia columbia larvae are solitary from time of emergence.
Columbia columbia larvae are very similar to cecropia and other Hyalophora species but may be distinguished by three pairs of enlarged red thoracic tubercles. Cecropia have but two pairs of red-orange enlarged dorsal, thoracic scoli.Scan of fifth instar larva on larch by Bill Oehlke. | ![]() |
Hyalophora columbia columbia cocoon, Hammonds Plains, Nova Scotia,
spring, 2017, courtesy of Krista Melville.
Larix laricina ........ Larch/Tamarack
Abies balsamea....... Balsam fir
Kalmia augustifolia..... Narrow-leaved laurel
Myrica pensylvanica..... Northern bayberry
Nemopanthus mucronata..... Catberry
Picea glauca ......... White spruce
Picea marina ....... Black spruce
Prunus cerasus ....... Sour cherry
Prunus domestica ........ Garden plum
Prunus pensylvanica...... Pin cherry
Prunus serotina ........ Wild black cherry
Prunus virginiana ........ Chokecherry
Pseudotsuga menziesii ....... Douglas-fir
Rhododendron canadense .... Azalea
Salix alba .......... European white willow
Spiraea tomentosa ....... Hardhack
Tsuga canadensis ....... Eastern hemlock
Ulmus ................. Elm