ACTIAS LUNA: Larval Food Plants

Photo taken by Bill Welsh
Listed below are 1)the primary food plant(s) used by myself (listed
first); and 2) preferred and alternate food plants listed in Stephen E.
Stone's Foodplants of
World Saturniidae. It is hoped that this
alphabetical listing followed by the common name of the foodplant will
prove useful. The list is not exhaustive.
Experimenting with closely
related foodplants is worthwhile. Starred items are successfully used by
my father, Don Oehlke, in New Jersey.
Betula papyrifera...... White/Paper birch
Acer rubrum.............Red maple
Acer saccharum..........Sugar maple
Betula pendula..........Silver birch
Carya cordiformis.......Bitternut hickory
Carya glabra............Pignut hickory
Carya illinoensis.......Pecan
Carya ovata.............Shagbark hickory *
Castanea dentata........American chestnut
Castanea sativa.........Spanish/Sweet chestnut
Humulus lupulus.........Hops
Juglans cinera..........Butternut *
Juglans nigra...........Black walnut
Juglans regia...........English walnut
Liquidambar straciflua..Sweetgum *
Nyssa sylvatica.........Black gum
Ostrya virginiana.......American hop hornbeam
Plantanus lindeniana....Plane (Sycamore)
Populus tremuloides.....Quaking aspen
Prunus domestica........Garden plum
Quercus alba............White oak
Quercus rubra...........Northern red oak
Rhus glabra.............Smooth sumac
Salix caprea............Sallow/Goat willow
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